Bible Talk: Biblical Commentary on Weekly Verses
Young & Able
In a world full of pride where people boast their strengths but grasp onto the sight of others every weakness, it is common to see people looking down upon one another. What we learn from Timothy's life is that age is not a marker of the influence you may have. Remember that phrase, "You're too young to know" or "When you're older you'll understand"? Yes, in many cases experience comes with age but with the desire to learn our minds can understand many things regardless the age. Also, even if we lack certain experiences, we never lack the capacity to be the best versions of ourselves and influence the world for the better. Age can sometimes be a barrier but it does not incapacitate you to show the world an example of how one should live. When I Read this verse, I don't only look at age as the feature that others choose to pick on to diminish you and your capacities. People often look down upon others because of gender, race, class, ethnicity, education, and so much more as well. In the bible we learn, that regardless of who we are and our circumstances the work of the Lord prevails through us. Wherever we may lack strength and knowledge, He capacitates us. So, regardless of who you are, you are not too little, you are not incapable of setting an example through what you do to others.
You can be a role model to others in this world, you can live on the righteous path and your way of speaking, thinking, and acting will influence others. People don't like to admit it or focus so much on it, but I have looked to those younger than me or those who would stereotypically be less knowledgeable or have less experience, and admired them for their character and admired how God works through them. Now along with the knowledge that you are capable to show the right way, comes great responsibility. I know it's easy to fall back into darkness, but with God as my guide and light I hope we can persist firmly on His path. While we are here in this world, I don't want to conform to the way's of the darkness, I want to be different and I want to be used by the Lord. I want to be transformed by Him and His word and be an influence on the world around me. I want to see the world through His eyes and live a life of love and kindness. I ask God that he can capacitate me and all those who pursue Him, to set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. Through this example we can be unified and brighten the world with God's love and spread His word with greater credibility as we would be a small portion and demonstration of how God can love, transform, and bring eternal life to those who believe in Him and His son Jesus Christ.